I don’t care if people don’t want the vaccine.
Skip them and let the dose go to someone who wants it.

A thread.
I don’t care why they don’t want it.
Give that dose to someone who wants to move more freely and safely in public.
At the pace things are running in Operation Golf, we don’t have time to waste explaining things to people who won’t listen.

You don’t combat false information. You only engage it into a state of increased legitimacy.
Americans are unbelievably gullible and naive.

Believe it.

We have always valued homegrown delusions over organized academic knowledge. It’s in our cultural DNA.

Don’t fight it. It loves to be fought with.
A friend tried to tell me what @marcorubio said about #AnthonyFauci today and I stopped him.

“I don’t need this or any other opinion about the good Dr. Fauci. I have established my own opinion.”

People generate controversy to get attention. I have no attention to give.
Believe whatever you want.
Gather your opinions about you, conventional or outlandish.
Publish and propagate them with as much effort as you wish.
I am unmoved.
I don’t have time to save people who don’t want saving.

I’d rather spend my days connecting people who want some scientifically based healthcare with it. Anything else is wasted effort.
I don’t care if you are a street corner messiah or the President of the United States of America.

Conspiratorial delusions are not worthy of comment. They are just the background noise of city living. A quirk built in to the hum of the collective human mind.
The reasons why someone doesn’t want a COVID vaccine are not worth attention and scrutiny.

There’s no time for that.

Just move on to the next person who knows they want a swipe of isopropyl and a shortcut to immunity.
You can follow @medicalaxioms.
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