
Ok. Rant in coming! I've seen this commercial seems like a million times the last couple weeks. It annoys the heck outta me every time.
It's a PSA from the Illinois board of health.
It talks about being safe from the virus on NYE.
'Stay home and part with the ones you...

live with. Order in your favorite food and drinks.'
Ookk.. We're in a pandemic. Stay safe & healthy at home. Let the delivery people be put in danger both on the road by those who do go out & from all the people they will come in contact with delivering.

I've said before I believe this virus is real & can cause life threatening even death to some people.
I am one considered in the high risk category with immunodeficiency.
Still... The virus doesn't magically stay away until a curfew or stay away from bars & clubs...

& roam around churches causing the government to declare them non essential. Then telling us how we can or can't worship.

The government & experts aren't even following thier own mandates.

You can't mandate common sense!
This has become a political virus.

It's only around when it's convenient.

I wear my mask & social distance.
I'm not going to allow the government tell me I can't worship where or how I choose.

Ok. I'm done. Thank you for coming to my rant.
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