Guys I know most of you know this but I just thought I would say it again tonight. I hope you all realize this mask mandate is never going away.
They have no intention for our lives to ever return to normal. Even if you get the Vax it is just the beginning. If you value your...
...freedom and your families freedoms you must stand up and fight. I am not calling for violence... I am calling for you to stand firm on your beliefs and resist the indoctrination that is being forced upon you and the rest of the population. No one can force this mandate...
..upon you. All of the MSM media is lying to you right now. They are controlled and they always have been. The mandate is in direct conflict with our great Constitution. Any one that forces you to comply can personally be held to account. Remember that... This is not the time... be submissive. This is the time to become Patriots and rally for our President and our Republic!
Put your eyes on the Most High and the Christ Jesus, prayer is very important in winning this fight!
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