OK, guys. I regret to inform you that the QAnon finale appears to have arrived.

Here is the hashtag I will use for this part of our collective nightmare:
#tEhStorm 😑
On January 6th, when a normal Constitutional process to mark the peaceful transition of power is supposed to happen, instead we will have: #tEhStorm

This will be @GenFlynn, a pile of Proud Boys, neo-nazis, Q cultists and assorted fascists parked outside the Capitol.
They will be armed to the teeth and at the very end of their dead ends. INSIDE the Capitol @HawleyMO and co-conspirators will be committing their own treason by interfering with the democratic process and inciting the violence outside.
Trump will be tweeting his diapers off the entire time validating every batshit wingnut that Flynn drags out.

MyFascist (tm) @realMikeLindell will be there to sell shitty overpriced hotel pillows and hallucinate his own political future.
RSBN will cover the whole thing and the money will flow hard. They will find some aNtiFa crisis actors to do some vandalism or something. Posobiec, Ngo, Kitty and the rest of the riot pornographers will be in JUST THE RIGHT PLACE to see it.
Tucker and Chanel and the rest of them will call for the INSURRECTION ACT to “quash the Antifa violence”.

Trump will try it. McConnell might even close the Senate down to prevent the vote.
At some point, I’m afraid, people will die. All of the Nashville types will be in DC ready to plow *right* into the dead end at the drop of a tweet.

Here’s what they will say “WE ARE #tEhStorm” đŸ˜©
I really hope I’m wrong about this, but they are already on the way.

Suit up.
Anyone giving me shit for taking #tEhStorm on 1/6 seriously, please meet #BehattedFuckwit Ron Watkins who is inciting 500k followers as we speak.

He got a BUDGET to pay people to go to DC.

And if you think the one time he wrote “PEACEFUL” means anything, check the replies. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž https://twitter.com/codemonkeyz/status/1344483595956572162
Here he is doling out the sweet cash last week. https://twitter.com/jimstewartson/status/1341434887828430848
I had a horrible thought that Trump is going to let all these fucking idiots into his White House perimeter to camp and “defend” him.

He can’t get the army to treason for him so he’s getting the Proud Boys to do it. 😖
You can follow @jimstewartson.
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