CW: sex

I know I've said it before, but imma hit a repeat.

Sex positivity includes *not sex*;
Insinuating otherwise is harmful.
We can't build sex positive spaces if we assume that sex is an everyone & all the time thing.

And I would absolutely love is there were more sex positive conversations around not having sex or having sex minimally.
Contrary to the aparent belief of many, ace spectrum folk are very much looked over & put down. For starters, it's hard enough to find out that it's a thing. Then there's the whole *people still expecting you to feel pressured into partaking outside of your best intrests*. Ect.
It's not like we're out here waving to halt all of everyones sex things, just asking that folk be more inclusive to appreciating our world view and accomodating that.

Bish, We Here.
(Also PTSD things, they are also included this 💖)

Sex, woohoo 🎉
Not sex, also yaaayy 😀👍🏾✨
And for any of y'all who think that I'm just being anti-sex, you just reading what you want to read.

Sex & relationships are some of my special intrests, it's just outside of how allosexual folk usually approach them.

I would absolutely adore being a sex educator 👀
I was keeping this ib my drafts but aparently it needs to be said

I believe that sex positivity done right would completely obliterate abstinence propaganda via truely comprehensive information that includes also awesome consent & *not sex* things, & that shit makes me excited.
People choosing to not have sex for w/e (consensual) reasons is not the antithesis to sexual liberation & sex positivity.

See: body autonomy & consent.

The antithesis of sexual liberation & sex positivity is nonconsensual harm & shame. That's what we collectively stand against.
Also, I really appreciated the allosexual folk affirming this not just via solidarity but through their own self reflection.

Because really this isn't *just* about acespec folk, this is about everyone being able to safely navigate things like boundaries.
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