Example of how systemic racism plays out in healthcare: I had not heard that our health department had opened up vaccines to patients over 75 until a patient called at about 8:05 and asked me some questions about it. Within a couple of hours, a couple other patients had called.
I realized that these people all had mutual friends. The news was clearly circulating within a certain circle of people. They were all signing up and getting their vaccines. On one level, that’s GREAT. I want every one of my patients to get this vaccine.
Friends encouraging friends to vaccinate is a really good thing! BUT because it’s the rural south where things remain very separated along race lines even amongst people who don’t intentionally try to avoid people of differing levels of pigmentation.
So early this morning, white people were signing up to get vaccinated, but who was making sure our black neighbors had that chance? Dont get me wrong. I’m not saying that our health department willfully ignored black communities. They didn’t.
My honest guess is that the only way ANYONE knew they were doing it is that someone called and asked and the word started spreading. But as a healthcare provider, it’s my job to try to make sure my patients get equitable care. So here’s what we did.
1) We called the health department to ask what the protocol was for getting people vaccinated. They need appointments. 2) At the request of the health department, rather than asking every patient to call them directly to schedule,
we ran a report of every patient in my practice over the age of 75 and we called them. Yes. All of them. Every patient black or white who was eligible for that vaccine got a call today and if they wanted it, 3) they were put on a list that was faxed to the health department.
The health department will call them to schedule. Did they all want it? No. I’ll work on that next week. Did they all answer the phone? No. But we’ll keep trying.
I don’t say this for my own attention but because every single primary care clinic needs to have a plan to address this. How will YOU be sure that vaccines are distributed in an equitable way to your patients? It’s not hard, y’all. You just have to do it.
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