Thought it would be fun to concept designs for the crew with more influence from the islands they were sent to! They ended up a lil costume-y, but I like that too.
First up LUFFY with pirate king vibes. The Kuja women made his clothes!
Zoro forgets how normal people dress and comes back missing more body parts and looking like a mix of vampire lore from all over lmao. With all these scars he really does look undead (2/9)
NAMI the weather witch! The old men on Weatheria were scandalized by her short hair/tattoos so she got... shorter hair + another tattoo (it's a 4-pointed star + ship's wheel + compass). The moons are skate wavers & she can combine em with her Clima-Tact to "fly" on clouds! (3/9)
Usopp's lil gloves/shoes are bonded tree rubber sap, for grip as he runs around parkour-style (flee skill: upgraded). Rubber bands between 2 fingers act as slingshots. Leaf coat gives him camouflage but he can also inflate it to look like a giant owl to scare off predators! (4/9)
What if Sanji went to Gender Island and realised everything is performance so he doesn't have to overcompensate any more
Leaned harder into the "waiter>chef" vibes of his original post-TS design. He leaves a heart stamp on ppl he kicks and is finally popular with ladies ♥ (5/9)
Choppy was hard bc I think his TS design is perfect 😭 BUT, his little coat is from the people of Torino kingdom and the feather was given to him by the birds there. His doctor's bag is a backpack and the swirls on his capelet are from Hiluluk's coat lapels! (6/9)
Robin........ ma'am
Tomb-raider-esque fantasy archaeologist meets sleek modern super-spy, plus a 90s heart throb curtains haircut because my brain is massive. She uses the harnesses to hoist herself around, using her devil fruit power instead of ropes. (7/9)
I love Franky being a big messed up robot but you're telling me he wouldn't rebuild himself into a chimera?? Anyway he's sort of a griffin/manticore and can probably mecha fuse with the Sunny somehow. Gas from his cola chamber fuels powerful hydraulic attacks! (8/9)
Aaand lastly, Brook! Soul King Superstar 🌟 He cracked his skull all the way through and fixed it with gold welding (kintsugi). His lapel is an inverted violin and his sword-cane is now also a mic. His shoes are sabaody tech that make his steps totally silent! (9/9)
THAT'S IT! My last art for 2020 went off with a bang! Thank you very much for checkin out my thread! I normally rush my art so I really enjoyed taking my time on these designs and the illustrations themselves. If you have any further Qs, I'd be happy to answer; otherwise, peace!
OH and of course: I was inspired to make these in the first place by Bridget's excellent timeskip redesigns! https://twitter.com/sanjihateclub/status/1304476316683636736
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