🧵The behaviour of Ontario govt leadership should not be a surprise, they simply don't consider covid that big a deal, that has been made clear with every watered-down, foot-dragging action they have taken. They've shown it time and again by their actions. ⤵️
In the midst of the first wave when people were asked to not travel to their cottages, the Premier was caught doing just that.
A few days later on Mother's Day the Premier broke the rules again and was caught while Ontarians were sacrificing to limit the spread.
While allowing large weddings against scientific advice, the Premier also did not follow his own guidelines on social distancing and mask use. His government delayed a mask law until September.
MPP Sam Oosterhoff, one of the architects of the school re-opening plan that included limited mask and distancing for some grades, demonstrated his personal disregard for safety, as his group outrageously ignored pleas to follow the rules at a banquet.
The Minister for Long Term Care bizarrely compared the covid deaths crisis to a bad flu year, commenting on an article that has been roundly criticized for its distortion of statistics. In so doing, she was throwing the families of her LTC casualties under the bus.
Speaking of misinformation, one of the top ministers in the government, Finance Minister Rod Phillips, gave the impression he was at home when in fact he was ignoring travel advice and staying in the Caribbean, a signal to others to do the same.
These behaviours flow through to government policy, even the Ontario framework was found to be concocted and diluted, ignoring expert advice. One of the scandal's whistleblowers, Dr. Deeks, has since left her job for one in Nova Scotia.
After months of neglect and half-measures, these "leaders" now must face the results of their contempt for public health. This thread is just a reminder that personal behaviour sheds a light that can't be disguised by teleprompter speeches and PR consultants. We deserve better.
PS Never let a @brittlestar clip go to waste. https://twitter.com/brittlestar/status/1344376587974750209
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