if ur the kind of person that mocks/ignores/makes people feel bad when talking about their faves or something that means a lot to them, or mocks/shames people’s fanfic, fanart, edits, etc, you have totally failed as a human being and please kindly f#ck off. :)
Honestly there are few things that piss me off more than seeing people getting shamed and feeling bad for liking what they like and trying to share it with people.
Oh, and if we’re talking about neurodivergent people sharing something they love (/are hyper fixated on, you know, that’s a thing) with you and you shaming them for it, then you’re really really, really fucking awful, sorry :)
I’m sorry I’m so negative today. The lack of empathy gets on my nerves.
tl;dr: If people share something they love/done/are proud of, don’t be a fucking asshole about it and don’t invalidate them :)
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