As a #RemoteTeacher I have begun to see a flood of emails, phone calls, texts, messages from #TEACHers as they begin to prepare for #VirtualLearning.

I have 5 keys to success!

I'm curious what other #virtual #educators would add. @IsidoreVirtual

Sorry - Long Thread!

1. Focus on #SEL

Kids are surviving a #pandemic! They are facing unprecedented challenges during the economic crisis & ongoing restrictions. Feelings of uncertainty, confusion, fear & more since March overwhelm them.

Provide a safe place to talk and to understand.
1b) For some, they have lost access to nutrition programs & safeguards from other stressors.

Remember, these are Ss & families who have NOT selected #RemoteLearning. These are Ss who have opted to be F2F and are now being required to open their homes to you & their classmates.
1c) So...

Lead with #Grace.

Surrounded them with:

👄The voice of kindness.
👀The eyes of wisdom.
👂The ears of #compassion.
🤲The hands of charity.
😥The tears of comfort.
🧠The mind of truth.
♥️ The heart of love.
😄The smile of acceptance.

#SparkJoy #Remotely
2. Set Up Social & #Virtual Classroom Norms

Build a Community!

Nothing is worse than feeling alienated - no longer feeling a sense of belonging to a group, person, or area of learning.

Alienation is:

🥺no engagement

#Embrace Them!
2b) Make an #online learning ecosystem that will engage Ss while having routines & an organizational method that breeds success.

Take the time to establish classroom norms & expectations. Do this together! Humanize the voices behind the screen as this will create #agency.
2d) Some Norms: #RemoteHumor

✔️Have a #DressCode! Yes, wearing a shirt is mandatory.
✔️No, don't take your device with you while you go to the washroom
✔️When & how to mute/unmute your microphone
✔️How to use the chat appropriately

👉Have an agenda/a schedule
👉Build-in breaks
3. Be #flexible ...

👉 #LearningSpaces - sometimes the inside of a tent is the quietest place in the house
👉 Guest Appearances - Yes, pets will steal the attention of any worthy audience. Siblings will want to see & have an impromptu #DanceParty

4. GO S.L.O.W.
It's okay!

This is new for many & you will be trying to sustain the cooperation of Ss who have asymmetric skills & interests, who will be dynamically joining & learning the #OnlineLearning community while navigating operating errors ...
4b) ... all while attempting to learn #virtually.

Be P A T I E N T!

Be #Patient with:

👉YOU - take the time to #BuildEfficacy
👉your students - they won't get it right the first time. Smile & #BuildCapacity
👉your own children - they will be navigating this journey, too! Hug!
5. Be #Grateful

FOR ➡️See the good
TO ➡️Express #gratitude
IN ➡️hardship - be #humble and #authentic

♥️ Know your #WHY





...don't be #APATHETIC

#Equity will glare at you in the face!
Have #empathy & want #justice
You will be okay!

You got this! There are plenty of people to help, support, and guide!

Remember, many have been #Online for quite some time - so norms, #expectations, #trust, and #CollectiveEfficacy has been built so don't rush to be & do the same. #BreakOutRooms take Time!
For now


#YouGotThis! #EmbraceTheJourney2020
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