Thread :
Ladies & Gentlemen
I present to you the last hope
of Trump's campaign legal team :
Jeffry Jovan Philyaw
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
Commander Pullitzer
No, This is not a joke
this is him today during the Georgia State Senate Meeting about voter fraud
you might ask yourself "why should I care about that guy ?", good question
well because today he claimed that there's a scanner that could detect voter fraud via Kinematic artifact detection "what is that ?" and "how does it apply to voter fraud" you might ask... No idea...
but he talked about it and other witnesses (including a really serious lawyer) talked about it so i decided to take a look into this, i didn't find much about his "scanner" or about "kinematic artifact detection" but i found something else, i found this
before improvising himself as a "fraud expert" he had a career as a treasure hunter searching for the Ark of the covenant and for a roman sword in nova scotia that apparently is magical (no, i'm not making this shit up) ...
... he also published more than 300 books, some under the name of <<Commander Pullitzer>> ( O7 ) mostly about history and treasure hunting, here's the cover of one with a really nice picture of him posing with a wolf
... in the 90's when internet would take ages to open a page, this was supposed to be for advertising purposes, companies like coca-cola and radioshack and other invested up to 185 millions to what is now nothing more than something studied in marketing as an example of failure
oooh i also forgot to mention that back in the days, he was the shungite guy before shungite was cool (thanks
@realdanabo for that one)
also last post this is Bob cheeley, a lawyer, calling commander pullitzer "the most qualified expert he's ever had"
So to sum everything up, Commander Pullitzer, the now star expert of trump's campaign legal team is a treasure hunter, rock seller, failed inventor and patent troll ...
this is what trump's campaign legal team has been reduce to.
PS : sorry to the people who saw this 3 times in their timeline, i'm a boomer who don't know how to make a thread on twitter LOVE YOU ALL
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