Jupiter is the emulsifier of the planets, and its influence brings about emulsions. Emulsions are a mixture of two elements, like oil and water, which do not usually mix. Like Jupiter, they confirm and cohere elements together, making a synthesized, coherent substance.
The emulsification process can result in something richer and with more substance and body than the sum of its parts, which is exactly what Jupiter does. Dissimilar particles are suspended in a mixture of one another.
And likewise, having faith in something, another Jupiter signification, requires that we suspend the immediate realities of the mundane to work towards something greater, that often is not immediately apparent in the now.
Whenever we have faith in something, we are whipping the Celestial Mayonnaise. The pursuit of wisdom, prayer, reading scripture, or going to college is preceded by the notion that you trust that doing the Thing ™ will get you somewhere

It is the Coagula part of Solve et Coagula
I often think of the Temperance or Art card in tarot, which the GD links with Sagittarius. Jupiter merges two unlike substances and makes them one. Man? Horse? Nope. MAN HORSE. An epic creature that has the best of both parts.
Mercury tends to get you to clever, factual pieces of information that describe the immediate situation and realities of things. Jupiter always forces you to see the bigger picture. Oil and water don’t mix? Bet.
This cohesion doesn’t always bring good results. Too much big-picture thinking and lack of distinction between things can lead to all-too-common symptoms of ♃ delusion. If your oil is rancid or if your water is tainted, you’re going to make shitty or toxic Mayo.
That is, if your belief systems are founded upon shitty facts, reasoning, theology, or pedagogy, your entire model is fundamentally flawed. e.g. Yeah we all bleed red, and sure you may not “see color,” but the real-life issues in the present moment need addressing!
In conclusion, Jupiter can help us make a rich, sumptuous Mayo of Wisdom, but it’s up to us to make sure our ingredients are of quality before we begin whipping :) vet your teachers, check your facts! Only then can we begin to do and dream big things.
Lmao speaking of emulsions, here’s an example of a really good one 😂 BUTTERNUT SOUP with crispy sage. Fatty, rich, and full of flavor. Jupe jupe would be pleased.
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