This may come as a shock to some, but healthcare workers who are persons of color aren’t immune to feelings of mistrust and distrust.
For anyone curious as to how or why these feelings may develop, I refer them to Dr. @uche_blackstock’s recent OpEd, which delves into the injustice experienced by #DrSusanMoore

There are some who will read this and think, “But they should know better.” Here’s the thing: they do. They know better than to trust that our institutions are looking out *for them*

These are smart people this isn’t a knowledge gap— it’s a *trust* gap.
The way to address this trust gap is to address it head-on, not by casting dispersions or calling for their dismissal.

Listen, and internalize what you’re hearing. Above all: directly address those concerns.

For more, follow: @uche_blackstock @KizzyPhD @bethlinas
You can follow @DataDrivenMD.
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