2)Hitler’s formula for coercion of a group of people was very simple.
1- Keep the dogma simple. Make only 1 or 2 points.
2-Be forthright & powerfully direct. Speak only in the telling or ordering mode.
3-As much as possible, reduce concepts down into stereotypes...
3)...which are black & white.
4-Speak to people’s emotions & stir them constantly.
5-Use lots of repetition; repeat your points over & over again.
6-Forget literary, beauty,scientific reasoning, balance or novelty. ...
4) 7-Focus solely on convincing people & creating zealots.
8-Find slogans which can be used to drive the movement forward.
“Most of Hitler’s inspiration came from a social psychologist named Gustave Le Bon, who... was considered an authority on the psychology of crowds. ...
5)”Le Bon posted that once individuals came together to form a group, the individual’s will was surrendered to what was perceived to be the will of the group. The faculties of reasoning were impaired or destroyed, & they entered into a more suggestible state. ...
6)”The larger the group, the easier it was to coerce.” Hitler appointed himself the “higher power.” The group, now fully coerced into believing in a “threat” to the group, put all their faith into the “solution” of the higher power. ...
7) Thus, the victory over the threat, would be a victory for the group & the higher power. -brainblogger.com.11/4/2008. ...
8) Conclusion: Hitler’s basic principle’s of controlling, coercing people; creating the group, gigantisizing the threat of Covid; creating the Higher Power , i.e., Fauci, CDC, WHO; keeping it simple: “wear masks, social distance, limiting capacities...
9) Stereotype gyms, restaurants, bars; keeping emotions high: “The mask helps me to protect you” bullshit; repetition: “Put your mask on; why aren’t you wearing a mask?” Zombiesized zealots gang up on you in CVS, Target, Supermarkets, etc., if you dare walk in without a mask...
10)Slogans: “Once we get the vaccine, things will get back to normal.” But now, the Higher Powers tell you, just because you got the vaccine, doesn’t mean we can go maskless, until every person on earth is vaccinated. ...
11) Now, World Health Organization says they don’t even know if the vaccine will be effective fighting off Covid. One lie leads to another lie. When do people become woke & stop believing in this fairytale? / Done
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