Two weeks ago the federal gov't decided to close fish farms in BC's discovery islands.  #coastaljobsgone

Regardless of my position on open-net salmon farming, I think this policy rollout is terrible. (Not debating the science, but the policy rollout) 1/?
Resource mgmt is mostly about managing people, not resources. To do this, the gov't builds trust with communities. @nhotte wrote a great thesis on trust with Indigenous communities. I would argue a similar framework applies to non-indigenous communities 2/ 
To build and maintain this trust any resource decision that eliminates jobs, even a necessary decision, must look after affected workers and involve local governments. From my outsider view, neither of these occurred. (FN's were consulted for this decision, as they should be) 3/
Aquaculture directly employs ~1,500 people in BC. I'm not sure how many will directly lose their jobs with the closure of these 19 farms, not to mention more closures by 2025, but @Gabywickstrom @kmaximick or @michellefranze might be able to provide better numbers. 4/
But it only takes 270 jobs for Port McNeil and Port Hardy to lose 10% of it's employment; the combined population of Port Hardy and Port McNeil is ~5,500 with an employed labour force of 2,785. The feds offer no insight into what support will be offered to affected workers 5/
...nor any insights into when more closures might occur. The cynic in me suspects they announced on Dec 17 to keep media reporting low during the holidays 6/
The Feds/DFO consulted with FN's prior to the decision (good!), but local municipal leaders were left out of discussions. I'm not suggesting municipalities have rights and title, but I'm saying they should have a chance to have their concerns heard 7/ 
When those affected by these decisions are left out of the process it's not good for any enviro movement. When outside influences appear to drive decisions (eg urban) it breeds resentment and distrust. Then you get opinions like this in the industry:  8/
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