1/ Onion Tea
Placebo or CURE for COVID?

My COVID-19 story starts on Thursday 12/10. Out of the blue, a friend I hadn't heard from since 2016 texted me, told me of a VIVID dream he had of me offering him ONION TEA!
2/ Onion Tea
Placebo or CURE for COVID?

The very next night, Friday, I came down with COVID, very quickly and very strongly with 102F fever, BP running 180’s/90’s and pulse 120’s (positive SARS-CoV-2). Yet, all I could think about was my friend’s dream – a Divine message for me?
3/ Onion Tea
Placebo or CURE for COVID?

I was in the LOW SURVIVAL category – my age, obesity, and hypertension all working against me. As the SARS-CoV-2 took control of my entire body, my health descending I asked my wife to make ONION TEA.

I drank it – I FELT GREAT!
4/ Onion Tea
Placebo or CURE for COVID?

The next 4 days I drank ONION TEA often (also, doubled my BP medicine too). But by day 5, I couldn’t stand it – I think the therapeutic effect has completed. By day 8 my fever was gone, and I fully recovered by Christmas Eve day.
5/ Onion Tea
Placebo or CURE for COVID?

Research supports CURE!

"Flavanoids present in onion and garlic have a strong inhibitory effect on virus multiplication"

So, perhaps, onion, in particular, is very effective in stopping COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

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