OK this will be a long ass thread of academic & journalistic work done this year on the gig economy, its labor & antitrust dimensions, and its financial elements. This list is not exhaustive. I avoided paywalled stuff & focused on overlooked/interesting things to consider in 2021
Clear & comprehensive overview from @SamWHarnett of how non-labor tech coverage was largely manufacturing consent and drowning out concurrent critical coverage from labor reporters & academics for years. We are still suffering for this original sin today. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3668606
It’s hard to read this or “Brief History of the Gig” (both from @veenadubal) and debate gig platforms aren’t simply operating illegally. The longer we hold water for people lying digital “gig work” is different, the more we harm exploited workers. https://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/digital-piecework
The entirety of @logic_magazine's 11th issue on Care is essential for thinking about the gig economy, especially as it restructures work everywhere else. Care work is the fastest growing and developments here are incredibly important to pay attention to. https://logicmag.io/care/ 
The antitrust moment must look at gig economy platforms, something @Econ_Marshal has been doing for years. This statement from him is a great introduction to/primer on the legal contours of this battle, where more research is needed, and paths forward. https://marshallsteinbaum.org/assets/steinbaum-2020-antitrust-and-the-business-model-of-gig-economy-labor-platforms-house-antitrust-subcommittee-investigation-on-digital-platforms-.pdf
Introduced to me by @asiaarttours, @chuangcn has some of the most fascinating analyses of Chinese labor struggles. Coverage of gig work overseas is orders of magnitude across the board but especially in China. Please read this deep deep dive. http://chuangcn.org/2020/11/delivery-renwu-translation/
Easy to see parallels in this @TowardsFairWork report on how platforms in South Africa exploited then abandoned gig workers during the pandemic. Outlines key platform problems & solutions, as well as government actions & legal solutions. https://fair.work/wp-content/uploads/sites/97/2020/05/Covid19-SA-Report-Final.pdf
So much more that I did not add because of paywalls, different focus, or failing to see it, && everyone on this list also wrote and researched so much more this year that you must read. But I think these pieces raise points and tell stories important to think abt next year
The antitrust dimensions of gig platforms, the return to piece work, the regulatory arbitrage, the various plot to negotiate away labor rights, the sheer misery and soul-crushing work that makes these platforms perform, all of this will be even more important next year
also if you came across something interesting, don't hesitate to share and pass it along! as much as i want to i do not read or see everything but i would like to and know i miss a lot for all sorts of reasons
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