Copying @RoylePin, because quite frankly, who wouldn't. Here's my run down of some of the good shit that's happened 2020, not focusing on the neggy nelly...

1) Hilarious fails at new pup parenting
2) speaking at @bestyouselfcare
3) speaking on @TeamSYBiscuit
4) Pals 🥰

1) Looking after my nephew shaped nugget while his mum started chemo
2) Discovering snow
3) 1st pub ever after the floods
4) Keith's kingdom

1) Donuts @planet_doughnut
2) I made Keith a birthday cake out of a tin of tuna and some dreamies
3) Most influential business book I read
4) My last Rock Rose workshop (ever) before lockdown

1) Failing at DIY branding imagery
2) Animal crossing obsession begins
3) Turning 32 in a sunny garden with oodles of champagne, cheese and no other humans. Best ever birthday
4) Discovering loads of fun places to walk on our doorstep

1) @edagoodman quiz nights
2) the dog became amphibious
3) I baked. A lot.
4) the first of many pairs of fancy lockdown pyjamas were purchased

1) Relaunched my website thanks to @ToyahBean
2) Visited my favourite beach
3) Missing restaurants too much, so I made one at home
4) In-law family socially distanced birthdays

1) Wonderful presents off wonderful "best selling" clients
2) My new lampshade
3) Seeing my nephew for the first time in 3 months after lockdown 1 and him meeting my fur baby
4) Trip to Anglesey, one of my favourite places

1) Ladyshed completion
2) Canoeing 10 miles down the Severn with new colleagues
3) More head clearing country walks
4) Getting sort of engaged, with shitty cheap bracelets

1) Date night at our favourite restaurant
2) Belated birthday trip to Harry Potter world
3) Hawkstone Park
4) 20k walk

1) Climbing up Rodney's Pillar (a tough, big bloody hill) in the dark for sunrise
2) Organising my sister's zoom hen party
3) Getting my nun on
4) Being my sister's bridesmaid, watching her get married against ALL the 2020 odds, and taking over last minute reading duties

1) Addiction to fancy pyjamas escalated to 3 pairs
2) My CEO and BDM doing mud crawls down the Shropshire Way
3) Autumn walks
4) Shropshire love

1) Rudolph the red nosed bear-deer
2) Our first proper Christmas tree, complete with festive dinosaur
3) Splashing in puddles with my nephew
4) Wiltshire getaway for Daves 39th 🥰
So much love and good stuff. Check your camera reels folks, there's moments of joy the 2020 demons would rather you forgot about. Don't let them win 🥰
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