I have a lot on my mind re: how gov't restrictions and fear of illness has made unmasked children taboo, esp in MN. Those who are afraid of children (esp unmasked disabled kids) and recoil from them as if they will be defiled by proximity are the ones I pity.
I don't pity my son w special needs--he's loved from tip to toe. I do pity Christians who are afraid to receive a hug from him or allow him in their bubble. They're forgoing the blessing of "letting the little children come." I know my son will be ok. I'm not sure they will be.
There are some things worth risking our lives for--albeit a very small risk in the scheme of things. I contend that receiving the love of the "least of these" and giving it in return is one of them. What will the Lord will say to those who repelled children for "safety"?
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