Welp, I see a lot of people who know fuck-all about how computers and wifi work are in a tizzy about voting machines in Fulton County.

"Establishing a 2-way connection" to a machine on the internet could mean just hitting port 22 and getting a response. Or port 80, 8080, or 443.
That's not "hacking", you stupid shit-for-brains, it's how literally every computer connected to a network works. Of more interest would be, can you actually get meaningful data off of the machine? Can you drop to a prompt to examine the filesystem? Is there a web server running?
Don't get me wrong here, I'm ALL FOR examining the voting machines. Have been for more than a decade. The fact that the code running on them is unaudited by any neutral 3rd party is appalling. The fact that nobody has had to prove what software is installed on them is criminal.
Andi if by some totally unsurprising quirk it happens that the machines CAN be accessed, the next thing to do is not to assume they were, but to *prove* they were. You can't just do it in places where Trump lost. You have to do it for every single machine or it's meaningless.
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