With the majority of UK parliamentarians backing a #Brexit deal that will shrink the economy, make us weaker internationally and threaten the very union of the UK, it’s time to recall those most responsible for getting us here. It’s time for the "12 b'stards of Brexit" 1/16
. @David_Cameron for hubris in calling the EU ref after his 2015 election victory, somehow believing that a govt of Etonians could connect with the UK public & convince them to vote to stay in the EU after decades of @Conservatives falsely blaming anything bad on Brussels 2/16
. @BorisJohnson for backing leave for reasons of selfish political opportunism, lying repeatedly in the process and undermining all efforts to find a reasonable Brexit deal in his efforts to become PM (and still repeatedly lying about the benefits of his 'thin' deal today) 3/16
. @jeremycorbyn for failing seriously to campaign against leave in 2016 and then agreeing to an election in 2019 (which he couldn’t win) when Boris and the Tories were on the ropes in parliament over Brexit (the @LibDems & @theSNP are complicit in the election mistake too) 4/16
. @Nigel_Farage for being an opportunistic liar, presenting himself as a man of the people in campaigning for Brexit while being nothing of the sort (privately educated, city financier with a big EU pension & an EU escape route (thru his wife) when the UK tanks post-Brexit) 5/16
The Leave Campaigns (Vote Leave & @LeaveEUOfficial) for peddling Brexit with no regard for facts about what leaving the EU would actually mean, blaming most UK voter grievances on Brussels & repeatedly sounding racist & nationalist dog whistles to rally support 6/16
Foreign investors (including Japanese car companies in the north east) for failing to advise their employees what Brexit was likely to mean for their businesses (& therefore jobs) with the result that many areas of the UK most reliant on EU-related investment voted to leave 7/16
Prominent leave campaigners for arguing strongly for Brexit while ensuring they'd not suffer the consequences (moving HQs or tax domiciles abroad, setting up EU subsidiaries or even betting on the UK’s economic decline) eg James @Dyson, Jim Ratcliffe @INEOS @Jacob_Rees_Mogg 8/16
The Tory press ( @MailOnline @TheSun @Telegraph @Daily_Express) for manipulating readers for decades at the behest of their wealthy (often foreign or tax exiled) owners with repeated lies about the EU, turning many against the organisation which helped make the UK richer 9/16
Social media ( @Facebook @Twitter) for failing to police the widespread misuse of their platforms to propagate lies during the referendum campaign and for allowing their data to be manipulated (sometimes illegally) to target users most susceptible to dog whistle messages 10/16
Senior European politicians for peddling ever closer union for personal political gain while knowing full well it wasn't achievable or even supported in their own countries. In so doing, they gave much anti-EU fodder to the UK right & other nationalist movements in Europe 11/16
The @Conservatives civil war on the EU which repeatedly pitched moderate/centrist Tories against the right of the party who misrepresented UK history (“who won WW2?” etc) and clung to misplaced ideas of British exceptionalism - and spilled over into mainstream politics 12/16
Greed and corruption in the @cityoflondon & other international financial centres which caused the 2007-8 financial crisis & precipitated more than a decade of austerity, declining/stagnant wages and welfare cuts, leaving millions worse off and looking for someone to blame 13/16
So that's my "12 b'stards of #Brexit". As the reality of Brexit begins to hit, we must not forget those responsible for bringing about this monumental act of self-harm nor allow them to blame Covid (or anything else) for the damage Brexit will inevitably do to this country 14/16
To be clear before the pile on by Brexit supporters, I have no intention of getting over it/moving on. That would be to accept the delusion of Brexit, turn a blind eye to the lost opportunities and jobs it will inevitably bring to the country I love and served for 25 years 15/16
When we next get the chance to vote, we should hold those responsible for #Brexit to account. The campaign must begin today - the fight for a renewed European/EU future for the UK 16/16
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