How $ALBT @allianceblock is going to integrate $LINK into ALL regulated markets to use encrypted, decentralised Oracles for all markets #4IR #TheGreatReset

Once again, this is inspired by @ButtersDankLink And @ChainLinkGod

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The key thing with $ALBT is COMPLIANCE.

$XRP, despite its other faults, was let down by regulatory non-compliance. $ALBT seeks to be the most compliant, Layer-2 crypto on the market to integrate $LINK LEGALLY with TradFi and governments.

This is $Link's ULTIMATE end use case as it has the potential as ( @ButtersDankLink has done a great thread on) to power the 4th industrial revolution through its decentralised Oracles.

As much as it seems like #bitcoin is going to receive all institutional crypto investment, the utility of #Chainlink to TradFi FAR outweighs of BTC as a deflationary hedge against FIAT.

$LINK Could very well allow all TradFi instruments to be securely decentralized BUT compliance with government regulations across the world is the SINGLE biggest barrier to this rollout.

The tech is already there.

@allianceblock have made the governance part of its token key to this compliance. They have a basic roadmap for TradFi integration.
1. Getting institutions to run node
2. Getting node to govern the token
3. Once compliant allowing TradFi to use $LINK through the $ALBT Layer 2

Getting institutions to run nodes may be difficult. That's why it's good $ALBT has already gotten $LINK, $OCEAN and $QNT partnerships to ensure networks features and hacks can be minimised.

Heads up, this is a LONG TERM, 100x play. @allianceblock are due to announce/implement the ecosystem partners and the regulatory compliance layer in Q2 2021.

The tokenomics are then mainly dependant on the $ALBT governance and the ability/appetite of TradFi to govern future DeFi tools.

Given the gains that DeFi is likely to see, I'd say this token may have a delayed hypecycle once TradFi wakes up to the possibilities in 2021.

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