Our discourse will be based on Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, to the very end of the AGE."

Other translations use the word “Age” instead of “World”.

The “keys 🔑 of the kingdom” as mentioned in the Bible are the codes of the Zodiac without which one cannot unlock the deep meaning of scriptures, this is why most Christians are intimidated by the Books of Daniel & Revelations. The Outer Church resorts to the letter (literal)...
...hence they have been anticipating for the world to literally end especially at the end of each decade with heightened expectations at the end of the 20th century. Since then Christians have generally abandoned the expectation (compared to the 80’s, 90’s and Y2K).
So the question is what did the Bible really mean by the “World Ending”, we understand that it was talking about the END OF THE AGE but the question is what Age is this? It is the Age of Pisces ♓️ and I’ll demonstrate shortly why that is so...
The first time we see Jesus preaching was to FISHERMEN on their boat whom he told “I will make you FISHERS of men”. He tells the Pharisees that the only sign they would be given was of Jonah in the belly of the FISH. He feeds the crowd with 2 FISH and 3 loaves of bread...
...unless you think it’s a coincidence you will smell something FISHY here, well that’s because it is FISHY; Jesus’ ministry represents the Age of Pisces ♓️ which in the Zodiac is followed by Aquarius ♒️. Each Age lasts for approx 2,160 years before the next cycle(Age) kicks in.
Lastly Jesus is fed broiled FISH 🐠 and honeycomb upon his resurrection. To further prove the hypothesis I will present a scripture where Jesus speaks of the transition from Pisces ♓️ to Aquarius ♒️
When Jesus tells his disciples to prepare for the Passover (the Spiritual Transition) & they ask him where they should prepare it he says “As you enter the city, A MAN CARRYING A JAR OF WATER will meet you.”
Let’s focus on “A MAN CARRYING A JAR OF WATER” because we know it can’t be literal as men in Bible culture never carried water, that was a task assigned to women...hence Jesus met the Samaritan woman by the well. This can only be the Age of Aquarius ♒️ aka THE WATER BEARER....
...So the meaning of that text is about transitioning into the New Age, the Coming Age which is Aquarius ♒️ the Age of the Water Bearer. These are the keys 🔑 of the kingdom; the kingdom of heaven is the Animal Kingdom (within us) in the Heavens (the Zodiac erected on the...
...CEILING of Dendera Temple in Kemet (ancient Egypt); the ancient Egyptians depicted heavenly bodies like the stars on ceilings of temples and tombs and never on the floor of side walls.
The question now is how does this apply to our lives? As we all know, the heavens within us are moved by the heavens above and vice versa hence constellations, full moons and eclipses have a Spiritual effect on us just as they have an effect on the ocean tides.
To be continued...

Episode 2: What Age we are in and how it has influenced the turn of events for the past 2000 years.
Pisces (the AGE we are in) illustrated by the two fish represents the UNCONSCIOUS and PRECONSCIOUS levels of human consciousness (SUBMERGED Consciousness). This is the lowest level of consciousness hence the lowest Vibrations.
SUBMERGED Consciousness is ruled by the Fears, Doubts, Aggression, Selfish Motives, Etc which makes people operating at this level of Vibration seem “Dominant” in this AGE & explains why our people regard UbuNTU(which represented Dominance in the Great AGES before) as Weakness.
We understand the importance of Fear, Doubt, Aggression in this particular AGE because they’re necessary for survival; without these Low Vibration Emotions in the Unconscious Frequency one would fail to Fight or take Flight and would die....
These Reptilian brain Vibrations become unnecessary in the Conscious ☀️ Frequency where one’s God Mind manifests & even lions will flee from you (literally). SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST is Low Culture, UbuNTU is High Culture or God Culture.
Today most Afrikans despise ubuNTU (MAAT) and blame it for the Afrikan fall when history teaches us that the opposite is true; it was brother turning against brother that empowered the invader NOT our Kindness.
Does this mean we ought to sit and wait for the CONSTELLATION to change? Certainly not!!! Greatness is born out of Creating Heaven in the midst of Hell & raising one’s Vibrations in a world that’s in sleep mode presents to us Our Limitless Power.
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