🧵 I have worked in a hospital throughout this pandemic but have had the luxury of knowing the patients I look after were largely safe. Children have not seemed hugely vulnerable to #COVID19 and most did not get very ill.
And yet I am exhausted 1/
I cannot imagine how my colleagues who look after the sickest patients in Covid wards must be feeling tonight. Or have they gone beyond exhaustion? 2/
And my colleagues in Public Health, who have asked for years to be properly resourced, and are attempting to contain a pandemic on a wing and a prayer. How must they feel? 3/
And yet, how any of us feel is immaterial. We are in wave 3. We are the ones waiting, in our PPE, for the tsunami to hit 4/
And the rest of you, well, you ARE the tsunami. You are the wave of sick, and breathless, and critically ill, barrelling towards our hospitals 5/
But you don't HAVE to be. Get away from the tide, step out of the water. You cannot fight Covid, you can only do your very best to avoid it, or avoid passing it on 6/
Please stick to the #level5 guidelines. Avoid all around you as if YOU have the plague 7/
No more politicians blaming the public, and the public blaming the politicians. It serves NO purpose. Put on your big girl and big boy pants, Ireland 8/
Like it or not, we are in this together. One last push, one last time. Park the cynicism, the denialism, the general crankiness. It didn't help before, it won't help now 9/
We are family, we are neighbours, we are friends, we are a community. Let's do ourselves proud. Again.
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