THREAD: Making Money From Nothing

If you have zero money and zero contacts, take advice from the person who turned $0 into $100 not the one who turned who turned $5M into $200M.

The person who came from comfortably secure, good school, good contacts, wealthy parents...

...has no concept of how to make money from nothing. They say they do, but they don't. They spend money in the way you breathe - they do it w/out thinking. they don't realise. All the opportunities they suggest involve having money, even if it's only $100.

They have never experienced how a $10 find on the pavement changes how their next two days will be spent. They aren't aware that you eat cheap shitty carbs because you only have $3 to last five days.

When you have no money, you borrow and can't pay back, you make promises...

..more out of hope than certainty. You can't afford to buy Christmas presents - you feel like shit, but you become hardened to it. People are disappointed because you're a loser.

To get out of your situation u have to be creative in the way no one with money has needed to be. They may have been creative, but it was with money (or contacts) not with nothing. At the same time u have to put up with crushing pressure and insecurity that having zero brings

The wealthy person knows pressure, but it's of a different sort. Even the bankrupt has no idea about *chronic poverty* and how it infects your DNA.

Don't listen to ethics spouted by the comfortable, their 'ethics' haven't been tested - they have no self-awareness.

If you have no money, stop reading books by successful people; most were never poor - they were insulated.

1/ How do you make $100k from $0? Not in the same way someone turned £5M into $200M. Listen to the tramp who made $100k from shit.

2/ When you have made $5M *then* you can listen to the multimillionaire - but by then you'll know what to do.

Note: first tweet I meant $0 into $100k.
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