We were tagged in a post recently about the planetary minds of #PatriotAnalytica, a self-styled “intelligence” wing of the far right NP’s online presence, primarily Michael Chopper O’Keefe, “Danny Boy” (Limerick), Gearóid Murphy (Cork), Cra!g Fitz (Dub), “Kelly” (Cork) & others.
What do they do? Gearóid makes videos based on rhetoric and faux-intellectual fantasy. O’Keefe organises far-right rallies, that tend to go wildly astray. Together, they tried to incite race hate in an incident between two minors and profit off it with a Gofundme. They failed.
Cra!g Fitz is a mentally vulnerable ex-music journalist known to Gardaí, his online melt-downs are fed by his far-right "friends". They lead to bans and extensive dangerous and invasive real-world harassment campaigns. Primarily against women.
“Danny Boy” manages a poorly written and contrived list of names that #PatriotAnalytica decide are part of a shadowy terrorist organisation. They’re not. A percentage are activists and most are women because he primarily targets women, people of colour and the LGBTQI+ community.
Danny is also an admin of a Facebook group with this man ironically claiming to provide intelligence for the far right, Stephen Coveney (O'Riain) part of three violent actions against equality activists and counter protestors in 2020. One of #KenGeary's #AltShiteUnmasked crew.
Which brings us to one that activists have recently flagged - a #Cork Nazional Party member in pharmacy retail, Kelly O'Driscoll, who also petitions local libraries to remove books that may educate or empower young LGBTQI+ people who are finding their identity. #AltShiteUnmasked
Why remove books? Specifically books that may help inform and educate children? Well, the #Nazis burned books to eradicate alternative thought, thought that was counter to their “reality”. For Kelly O'Driscoll, it's a thinly veiled campaign of homophobia. The patterns are clear.
Her timeline is full of posts, hers and her cohorts, of transphobic, racist, white supremacist, homophobic and ethno-nationalist material. Here, one activist highlights Kelly's request that her anti-semitic colleague follow her YouTube channel. https://twitter.com/OrlaSmith14/status/1320361834256412680?s=20
These are the people #AltShiteUnmasked Kelly O'Driscoll wishes to appeal to and gain the approval of as a far-right agitator for the National Party. But the Macroom native, has recently jumped firmly on the #antivax bandwagon.
While co-opting a whole other movement's slogan, this alleged employee of a #Cork #Pharmacy uses her position to "legitimise" her #antivax stance. Here Kelly O'Driscoll is advising a potential customer how to acquire #HydroxyChloroquine, the #debunked COVID "Cure".
In the middle of a global pandemic, anyone even tenuously within the healthcare sector, has a responsibility for public health and should not be doing this. So if you encounter her in a #Cork City pharmacy perhaps ask for her superior instead.
While Christmas in St. C[redacted]’s Park, Macroom may continue as usual - one house in particular will be home to an antivax transphobe, who is part of one of the most self-importantly inept groups in the Irish far right. Two actually, as she's radicalised her sister also.
As always, when you see accounts (especially those with flags) pushing #antivax #disinformation or #transphobic or #homophobic material, like#AltShiteUnmasked Kelly O'Driscoll does (though she swears she's not homophobic), do a search to check its veracity. #StaySafe
Thanks to everyone who shared their information and work on this thread and the preceding ones. ✊😷
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