not sure what i just discovered. new account with 11 tweets goes viral. 65k likes. i call her out on it and the whole account is gone within minutes.
in 11 tweets (that’s including rts) and 1 dm there are two misspellings. both plausible but combined with everything else, bizarre. feeling like this might not have been a native english speaker in the first place, if it was even a human
65k likes and climbing (it went up by 5k in the 15 minutes or so since i noticed it) is a lot to give up on from a propaganda standpoint. may not have been twitter messing with the algo but astroturfing by third parties who didn’t want the heat
alternatively maybe that “heaven banning” image wasn’t so far off the mark and we’re looking at a piece of propaganda targeted specifically toward our sphere that never had as much engagement as it seemed.
whatever the case may be, this is a good example of “digital re-enchantment.” with our physical world denuded of much mystery, the digital realm of rogue ai, black-box algorithms, and endless opaque psyops creates a new sense of magic
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