This has been a challenging year all around, but we’ve witnessed incredible commitment to building on Lightning.

The #bitcoin gaming community specifically used this year as an opportunity to bring people together through gaming.
2/ This year we’ve seen the #bitcoin gaming experiment:

- Onboard new entrants to #btc
- Make microearning for play possible
- Create new ad models to engage audiences
- Complete the in-game circular economy
- Add value to esports, connecting streamers & influencers

And more!
3/ With the cancellation of numerous IRL confs and meetups, the #bitcoin gaming community transitioned to online demos and tournaments.

@MintGox, a next gen esports tournament powered by Bitcoin, was born to showcase companies building games on LN. 🧙‍♂️ http://mintgox.com 
4/ Over the past 9 mo, @MintGox featured FPS, fighting, racing, battle royale, mobile games, & more.

The streaming dashboard intro'd a novel way to break the fourth wall, letting viewers interact directly with the gameplay, using sats to drop powerups, inc. bounty, & send tips.
5/ Since inception, @MintGox witnessed incredible growth (over 20% MOM inc. engagement) reaching global audiences and building a dedicated community. 🌏

The most recent MintGox event saw over 5,200 viewers, 10,000+ LN txs, and over 10 million sats (0.1 $BTC) in prizes.
7/ Gaming companies @zebedeeio, @thndrgames, @donnerlab1, and @satohisgames all made significant progress in 2020, collectively moving the space forward and making #bitcoin gaming a reality (with even some events in VR!).
8/ @zebedeeio's dev tools make the frictionless transfer of value in-game a reality via $btc. 💸

This year they launched their developer dashboard, Unity SDK, & gaming-focused wallet (over 100k tx since launch) featuring gamertags + static QR codes. http://zbd.gg 
9/ Last weekend at @MintGox, @zebedeeio announced their biggest news of the year: Infuse, which makes it possible to ‘infuse’ #bitcoin into any game.

Using @CSGO as the first case study, players earn sats instantly for in game actions.

Check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/852150815
10/ Leading the mobile gaming front, @thndrgames cranked out the hits: Bitcoin Bounce & Turbo 84.🏎️

Founder & CEO, @jackeveritt, fought the app store battle and his efforts are clearly working with stats like these:

- 236,436 tx
- 31,696 MAU
- 4,414 DAU

11/ @donnerlab1's online FPS, Bitcoin Bounty Hunt, paved the way in #bitcoin game development and the stats speak for themselves: 🔫

- Kills: 84,497
- Sats paid out: 5,631,432
- LN-payments: 471,418
- Avg payment size: 11.94
- Total player hours: 2,924

12/ @SatoshisGames's low poly, battle-royale, @lightnite had a big year with their early access release, Light⚡️Nite sessions, multiplayer, and numerous partnerships and skin collabs. 🏝️

Look for their gold release in 2021!

Check out the roadmap here: http://lightnite.io 
13/ While the Big 4 have made a lot of noise this year, we’re seeing promising new entrants to the space.

@hangarsixgaming makes it seamless to earn bitcoin for playing @callofduty WarZone, with regular tourneys with 50k sat prize pools and free entry. http://hangarsixgaming.com 
14/ Newcomer, @HS3D recently released an adorable, multiplayer game, Bitrealm, where users act as astronauts, frantically feeding “blob guy” various food items.

Easy game play, cute character appeal, and of course winning #BTC , make this game promising!

17/ 2020 was just the beginning for #bitcoin gaming. Next year we will witness the true power of introducing real value into gaming and social economies.

Join us. We guarantee a fun ride. 😜
You can follow @dickerson_des.
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