In terms of my own experiences this year my takeaways are as follows:

1. Be flexible and adaptable in order to survive and thrive during a crisis.
2. Don’t be afraid to innovate and use this opportunity to try new things.
3. Go digital. So much can now be done remotely & online.
4. There’s so much more to sport than leisure / pleasure; it goes to the heart of physical health and mental well-being of the entire nation.

5. We will need more investment in grass roots sport facilities and infrastructure in order to rebuild during post COVID recovery period.
6. Socially sport has a pivotal role to play in bringing people together, whether on-line or in person.

7. Accessibility has to be the main focus post-COVID, making sure that sport is inclusive, diverse and offers equal opportunities for all.
8. There is a really strong network of sports in the UK, from grass roots to elite level. By working together, rather than in competition with each other, we can help to deliver meaningful change by lobbying government and better influencing policy decisions.
There is no doubt that the pandemic will continue to have a serious and detrimental impact on the sport sector for years to come, but there are many reasons to be optimistic about the future, if we take this opportunity to ‘build back better’ (to use the awful political cliche!).
You can follow @DizzyJB.
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