I want a certain experience when I play cEDH or EDH. If your decks aren’t conducive to that experience I will say so. I don’t think it’s unhealthy at all for people to say “hey we prefer to play games where people proxy instead of play on a budget”
How you communicate this is what makes it toxic or not. EDH is defined by creating experiences with people and agreeing on what those experiences should be. If we disagree on what those experiences should be, it’s very possible we shouldn’t play together.
It is toxic to say “hey, you wanna play on a budget, you can’t play with us” but I don’t think it’s toxic to say “hey, would you mind proxying, that’s how we prefer to play”
I don’t have a problem with people saying budget cEDH isn’t cEDH. I don’t think it really is. I used to think it was, but as I’ve started to move towards allowing proxies I have realized I was wrong.

I don’t want to play games of cEDH where my opponents don’t have the best cards
If you are dead set on playing on a budget, it really depends on how that warps the play of your deck. I know some people play with shocks instead of duals. Honestly that isn’t a huge deal.
If you deck doesn’t have any cards over 20 dollars you are not looking for the same play experience I am. We can try to work something out, but if you’re dead set on playing that deck, I’m dead set on not playing against it regularly.
And that’s ok! I can’t force you to play a deck I like and you can’t force me to play a deck you like. That’s just how commander works.
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