Hey cis ppl: don't do this! It's creepy and fetishizing and weird. If you're actually trans inclusive in the way you discuss people and sexualities, we already know. Separating trans men from men in your attractions is transphobic. https://twitter.com/the_bradpad/status/1344101116997324802
Saying "trans men are so hot" also implies that all trans men are hot or that you can tell when a hot man is trans, or that all trans men have a unifying feature that makes them hot.
None of those things are true and the only thing you can say all trans men have in common is being trans, and being attracted to someone because they're trans is being a chaser and fetishizing us, so cut it out.
The author reached out to me to apologize and deleted the tweet, this is for bookkeeping just in case anyone was confused by my thread, but I attempted to write it to stand alone as well.
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