A trend is starting. For the longest time, CEDH was seen as an ugly "wrong" way to play EDH, and we were excluded and outcast from many circles and groups. 2019 and 2020 saw a widespread acceptance of CEDH from the EDH community as a whole. 1/x
With this acceptance saw an insurgence of new players wanting to get into the format. Enfranchised CEDH players, seeing their part of the format potentially in danger, decided to lash out at many of these new players. 2/x
We are starting to see a lot of gatekeeping from the enfranchised community. "That's not viable", "Why would you play X over Y", and ideas and concepts like hatred towards budget decks or proxy policies are bubbling up more and more. 3/x
I've seen threads and tweets saying "That's not CEDH" and "You're not welcome here..." and it infuriates me. After all the hard work so many have put in to showing the community how great our format is, this is how you welcome people who previously hated us? 4/x
Gatekeeping and elitist behavior of any kind is NOT welcome in CEDH. Just as the RC doesn't get to define all aspects of the EDH format, these people also do not get to define the CEDH format. You cannot have it both ways. 5/x
Do not put up with those who gatekeep. Reject their notions that only they can say what is or is not appropriate.
Enjoy this format! Have fun! Make mistakes, try out new things, and above all else, HAVE FUN!


/ted talk


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