Thread – The Inexorable Marxist Push in America

1. Americans thought the war with Communism was “over” after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Well, at least some did.
2. Others, on the other hand, buried deep into Academia, Hollywood, and other US cultural institutions and worked to subvert America from within – some even overtly so, working in the various Marxist political parties to stir up protests and later violence in the streets.
3. Always, the Marxists/Socialists perpetuate the myth that socialism will work “the next time” when the “right people” are in charge. It is a continuing pipedream of theirs.
3A. It will never work because it is contrary to human nature. Ask any former resident of a socialist country about that!
4. Though we may not be around to see it, in the end the Marxists (evil) running free and unchecked in the BLM and Antifa movements will consume themselves, and after that from their ashes, good will find its way back.
5. There will be formidable pockets of resistance to BLM & Antifa, as has been described by others, in the years ahead. Not everyone is going to go quietly into that good night. As things are now, I doubt we’ll have to go to war to unite the country, as what is coming IS the war.
6. The surrender monkeys will be extremely happy to make global “accommodations” and further sell us out.
7. Those of us on the Right are living in an echo chamber among ourselves. Nothing we write/communicate/argue about will change any minds on the Left.
8. Here at the end of 2020, it is comforting to know there are solid patriots who not only get it but who can articulate it in ways that spur thought and perhaps strategy.
9. We can only hope that there will be a DJT triumph at the end of this – the first strategic victory in our counterattack against the forces of the Left!
10. Communism in the USSR lasted 75 years. Communism in China and North Korea has lasted 71 years and is still going strong. Communism in (North) Vietnam has lasted 66 years and is still going. Communism in Cuba has lasted 61 years and is still going.
11. Communism in Venezuela has lasted 25 years and is still going (and getting stronger). Communism in Nicaragua (Ortega's Sandinistas) has lasted 41 years and is still going. Communism in North Korea has lasted 72 years. Communist China has lasted 71 years.
12. The totalitarian police state of the 20th century has only been much strengthened by the total information technology control possible in the 21st century Information Age by leftist corporate social media and internet providers
13. Unless the trend is reversed, very soon you may not be able to read this and similar commentary here on Twitter.
14. We have not witnessed any actual resistance by conservatives and independents, other than a few isolated acts of defiance and desperation.
15. This would include a few small business owners refusing to shut down on "science-based" orders from dictatorial Democrat governors and mayors and a few “religious freedom” lawsuits by some churches.
16. With few exceptions, those businesses resisting the lockdowns have been subsequently crushed by the Democrats – bankrupted, arrested, and/or silenced on social media. Freedom and American values are dying not with a bang but with a whimper.
17. Significant historical events such as Pearl Harbor that changed and ultimately saved the modern world mean nothing to the Left.
18. Soon – if remembered at all – such events will be taught in all schools and Congressional speeches as the start of a racist white supremacist imperialist war (in the case of Pearl Harbor, contrived deliberately by FDR and evil industrialist magnates) ….
18A. … against the poor desperate yellow Japanese, who were only struggling to advance and develop in a hostile white world!
19. This is the future of a Marxist BLM-dominated world. I, for one, will die first before ceding the turf to the Marxists and dooming my progeny to a miserable life under Communism.
20. F deranged lunatics like AOC and Bernie Sanders who are completely clueless and who wouldn’t bat an eye in ushering socialism into the US. What are you prepared to do to defend the Constitution? ///The end.
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