**End of year thread**
This has been a year of writing for me. In the last twelve months, I have written over seventy thousand words in public writing.
In the isolation of the pandemic, I have written mostly to try and understand what was happening but to also feel some connection to the desperate struggles against the status quo.
I have asthma and decided early on that I would not risk protests or other actions that could potentially bring me into contact with the virus. It is hard to describe the despair of that decision as the uprising I feel I had been waiting for most of my life to arrive, arrived.
But more generally, I wanted to capture the transformation in consciousness that could allow for such a cathartic storm to release. So here are some of my writing from this past year:
Finally, none of this is possible without extraordinary editors. It is hard to express my appreciation for @JenParker393, @carlahblumen, and @maass_alan
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