This is so true. The "stranger danger" mantra that we heard years ago is not usually the way sex abuse occurs. It happens by trusted individuals, people who are regularly in contact with our kids, and we most likely would never imagine this dark side. #metoo #churchtoo #sexabuse
In my family, one pedophile was a grandpa who was a missionary and well-respected Bible translator (never was convicted because of Statute of Limitation). The abuse occurred when neighbor boys were invited to swim in the pool. #metoo #churchtoo #sexabuse
It happened to his sons' friends when they came over to play. And the abuse did not happen in private. It happened in a room with adults behind a newspaper. It happened so nonchalantly that most people would miss it. But the boys who experienced it knew something had happened.
I taught my kids from toddlerhood about safe touch boundaries. But more importantly, I taught them to pay attention to their gut. I gave them code language to use so that I could quickly pick them up from a friend's house if they felt uncomfortable...for any any time.
When we give our kids tools like this, it puts them in the driver's seat to remove themselves from unsafe or uncomfortable environments. It also establishes a foundational way to communicate with you. #metoo #churchtoo #sexabuse
Please be proactive in teaching your kids how to be safe. It is well worth the time and effort. Sexual abuse scars last a lifetime and affect every intimate relationship. It's an important investment in our children's lives. #metoo #churchtoo #sexabuse
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