1/ Mirror ($MIR/ @mirror_protocol) is a Synthetics protocol for on-chain price exposure to real world assets.
2/ Initially, Mirror will target US equities. "Why US equities? First, US companies dominate global industries and their equities are therefore globally compelling, but access to the asset class is limited by local protectionism, adverse trading hours and legacy systems." @d0h0k1
3/ Mirrored assets can be traded 24/7, allow for fractional ownership, and are censorship resistant since they can be traded on DEXs like @UniswapProtocol or @BalancerLabs, cutting out centralized exchanges and e-brokerage platforms.
4/ Compared to Synthetix, Mirror is more capital-efficient. Minting a synthetic asset on Mirror only requires a user to stake 150% of its value in a Terra stablecoin, compared to the 750% collateralization ratio, payable in SNX, required by Synthetix.
5/ In order to maintain censorship resistance, Mirror is entirely decentralized from day 1 - the protocol is governed by the MIR token, setting economic parameters, controlling the on-chain community fund, and recommending code changes. There are no special owner / operator keys.
6/ “The Mirror Protocol provides a foundation for people around the world to have greater access to attractive financial assets,” Joey Krug of Pantera Capital.
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