Just finished season 6 of Once Upon a Time (one more to go!) so I thought I’d do a thread of #OUAT gifs according to Sanditon 😁 to thank @TinyToesTom05 for introducing me to it!

Hop on! I could do this ALL DAY! 🤣

#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Tom telling the workers they will get paid soon
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Eliza saying there’s no point of entering a race unless you know you will win
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Lady D to Edward when she awakes and finds out his intentions
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Babbers and Esther
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
What Sidlotte is really thinking in all those hallway run-ins
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Me when Eliza shows up at the London ball 😩
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
When Charlotte asks Sidney why she would be embarrassed since she was fully clothed
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Sidney frustrated about Tom
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
What Old Stringer should’ve done to that candle!
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
What really happened to the candle
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Eliza towards Charlotte 😡
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Eliza trying to win Sidney
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Magical cliff top Sidlotte smooch
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Me after Magical cliff top Sidlotte smooch
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Crowe always with the excellent suggestions
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
Stringer always giving good advice ... plus just like Neal has issues with his dad and loves a girl who’s heart is with someone else ♥️
#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
My heart at the end of episode 8...

Please @primevideouk - can you please save this show and give it a happy ending or rather a happy beginning?

#Sanditon #SaveSanditon #SanditonPBS
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