School Reopening - My Understanding.
1. Primary schools to reopen w/c January 4th - unless in areas of concern (whatever that means.) It is interesting to note little mention of risks amazing primary colleagues face.
2.Secondary schools to offer online provision for Year 11/13 pupil w/c January 4th. It is not yet clear what we are expected to do for 7-10 or 12. I'm sure schools could offer remote for those year groups? lets wait for the guidance.
3. Mass Testing is still a focus. According to GW this extra "time" is for schools to plan plan and then mass test. This is difficult (hmm impossible..) as we have not been able to get all the things in place we need. I suspect mass testing will not take place for a few weeks.
4. Year 11/13 pupils back on site Jan 11th, 7-10 and 12 then get full remote learning. Key worker and vulnerable pupils back in school at the point term starts (its different for each school).
5. Based on what wasn't said exams are still going ahead (why else have 11 and 13 in). Thats the right decision from my perspective.
6. My thoughts are;
1) Resolve Year 11 planning
2) Resolve Key Worker provision
3) Resolve remote offers for pupils
4) Plan the mass testing.
7. Its a time for cool heads. We as a sector need to reflect on how we manage this. We may look to plan this as a 10 -15 strategy, as by Jan 18th schools should be back in play as normal.
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