1/Not investing in EVs is a risky bet on the future.

A thread on a potential future situation...
2/The year is 202X & EVs are less expensive than the comparable gas powered car.

Company Y didn't invest in EVs b/c it wasn't clear there would be demand. Now demand is overwhelming & it goes to make EVs, but can't source enough resources.
3/Company Z needs more expensive, higher energy density cells to compete with other EV makers whose vehicles have more efficient drivetrains... & maybe those cells are harder to source b/c they are funneled into semi/pickup trucks.
4/At this point consumers realize that if they do buy a gas car it will be the last one they ever buy so resale values plummet. Meanwhile the shortage of EV supply keeps those resale values higher.
5/Not investing in EVs is a bet that 1)EVs will not gain market share, 2)If they do gain market share, any company that wants can quickly get the resources to make them at scale (resources include raw materials and human talent)
6/ For added clarification, this is referring to automakers. i.e. I think it's risky for an automaker not to invest heavily in EVs https://twitter.com/skorusARK/status/1344317668418068481?s=20
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