Read Hawley's statement carefully -- he's not saying he'll ultimately vote against certification of any state's results, just that he'll support a motion to object in order to initiate debate over "critical issues." It's procedurally possible to object, and still vote to certify
It looks like what he's signaling is that he'll object to the results of PA (enabling him to rail entirely against Dems, as opposed to GA or AZ) which will then initiate an hour of debate. Would have to separately object to multiple states in order to affect the final outcome
So just to be clear. Supporting a motion to object to one state simply initiates an hour of debate related to the certification of results for that state. Hawley doesn't say he won't vote to certify any state. Just that he wants to "raise critical issues" before certification
I recently re-watched the January 2005 joint session where Barbara Boxer supported a motion to object to OH results. A bunch of Dem colleagues, including Obama and Hillary, thanked her for "raising issues." She did then ultimately vote not to certify OH. But that was it
Hawley, like Boxer, may ultimately vote not to certify PA. And a few other GOP senators may join him. But McConnell ended any faint prospect of something procedurally decisive happening when he acknowledged Biden as president-elect on December 15
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