Got my first Pfizer COVID vaccine dose today! Let’s all continue to follow the COVID guidance, the cases are rising, hospital admissions are increasing, hospital beds are almost full, it’s not the time to be complacent. Hoping that next year will be a better year! 🙏🏽
To answer some of your questions below:

👉🏽FACT: The vaccines have followed the usual safety protocols, including phase 1-3 clinical trials. While COVID-19 vaccine development has operated on a faster timeline, manufacturers still must follow the usual process.
Reason why it’s quicker: 1) the development of mRNA (e.g Pfizer) and viral vector (e.g Oxford/AZ) did not start from scratch but they came from many years of research using platform technologies.
2) huge amount of funding and resources allowing multiple phase of trials to happen at the same time and vaccine manufacturing has also been carried out in parallel with the clinical trials 3) Worldwide collaboration and data sharing between scientists.
4) Easier to recruit participants due to strong public desire to help 5) Rolling review by the authorities meaning that information released to the regulators as it was acquired rather than the usual six to nine months as data is often delivered to regulatory agencies in one go.
👉🏽 FACT: COVID-19 vaccines will not give you COVID-19. The vaccine doesn’t contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. Sometimes, you may experience fever after getting the vaccine but this is normal as your body is creating antibodies against the virus and build your immunity.
It may take weeks for you to build full immunity after the vaccination.
How vaccines work? Read my explanation here:
👉🏽FACT: Getting vaccinated can help prevent you getting sick with COVID-19. This is because your immune system is primed to attack the virus if you’re exposed to it.
👉🏽FACT: Receiving an mRNA vaccine will not alter your DNA. Messenger RNA (mRNA) give instructions to our body to make spike proteins. mRNA cannot enter the nucleus and alter your DNA (genetic makeup). Please check my link above to understand how mRNA vaccine works.
👉🏽FACT: Pregnant women/breastfeeding mothers are permitted to have the vaccine following risks and benefits discussions with their own doctors.
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