Hey @jkenney @CMOH_Alberta
I’ll tell you where the community spread is coming from, a thread.
I work retail. Just yesterday we had:
1) 1 lady, early to mid 30’s bragging about having 22 ppl over for Xmas, purposely defying orders and proud of herself.
2) older lady and her brother. Brother flew in from Toronto for Xmas, and another brother was visiting from BC. Had a big family dinner, delighted in telling us about it.
3) man, mid 50’s, barges in without a mask trying to solicit money by selling coupon books. When asked to wear a mask, he “baaahhhs” at us like a sheep. We ask him to leave. He storms out shouting expletives.
4) “Fuck Trudeau” truck driving mid twenties male. Turns out a girl I work with knows him from a dating app. They’ve been hooking up for a few weeks now, defying public health orders.
5) Mid 60’s “Karen” enters, we’ve dealt with her before. Likes to remove her mask when she yells at us.
6) middle aged couple - very nice people, but the husband very clearly has a cough. And not just a clearing of the throat cough, he’s very obviously sick. Maybe it’s just a cold. Maybe it’s covid. Who knows!
So you see, in just 5 hours I was exposed to MULTIPLE ppl who have purposely defied public health orders. My kids have been out of school & haven’t seen friends. I didn’t see my family this Xmas. I’m doing everything I can to protect myself & others...
But for SO MANY ppl, nothing has changed. It’s frustrating. It’s hurtful. It’s rage inducing. You have created such a huge divide in this province. You’ve given power to radicalized, uneducated and ignorant people.
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