Been meditating on this the last several days, “the poverty of the poor is their calamity.” Prov 10:15

In other words, it’s the mindset, which govern habits & lifestyle, that keeps ppl poor.

This is also why the Word says there will always be poor folk around us (Deut 15:11)
So what is this poverty? According to several scriptures in Proverbs, it looks like:

Refusing to listen
All talk, no action
Trying to take the quick way out
Prioritizing pleasure over e’thing else
Being drunk and greedy
Playing around/wasting time all day
Being stingy
Don’t know about you, but I’ve been there, done that in my 20s/early 30s and I’m not trying to go there again.

Let’s switch up what we’re prioritizing so we can break the chains of poverty in our lives.
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