I've seen folks post about their frustration at Senate Democrats for not filibustering alongside Bernie. Here's why they aren't, in a thread no one will read:
We've got 6 days until an election in GA that could give us power to do ALL the things we want and need to for people in need, the climate, student debt, etc. If we take control of the Senate, we can do *exponentially* more good to help people who have been hurt by the pandemic.
If we can fight for $2k checks *while simultaneously* making sure the GA Dems have the best possible shot at winning, that's what we should do. And fortunately, that's exactly the strategy Senate Dems are pursuing by not rallying behind Bernie's filibuster.
If more Dems joined to filibuster the Defense Spending bill, it would give the GOP much-needed ammunition to change the subject/push the narrative that Dems don't support our troops/are playing politics with their paychecks/our safety. In GA, that narrative would matter.
Currently, the GOP is on the wrong end of the narrative. They're losing badly in the court of public opinion on the $2k payments issue. Why on EARTH would we give them their golden ticket out of that predicament and allow them to change the subject six days out from an election?
By just having "Crazy Bernie" filibuster, it gives our Georgia Dems cover *while* still using the leverage we do have to get the $2k payments pushed through. It's the best shot we've got. Bernie knows this. That's why he's not concerned that his colleagues aren't joining him.
I appreciate Bernie for doing his part, and I appreciate the other Dems for doing theirs. I've always known we were capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time - it's nice to finally see us doing it.
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