Looking back, in 2020 I had an opportunity to speak with the authors of some of my favorite books, mostly through the Ideas of India podcast. Thread on twelve books and conversations.👇
11. Johan Norberg's "Open - The Story of Human Progress" makes a fantastic case for freedom. My conversation with @johanknorberg for the @JaipurLitFest Brave New World series
12. Matt Ridley's "How Innovation Works: And Why it Flourishes in Freedom" gives 'the innovator' the same importance as 'the inventor' in human history and progress. My conversation with @mattwridley for @JaipurLitFest Houston
Thanks to all these authors - @ajay_shah @MadKhosla @DinyarPatel @anujbhuwania @bijurao @itihaasnaama @adam_m_auerbach @johanknorberg @mattwridley - for writing these amazing books and for generously sharing their insights in these conversations.
You can follow @srajagopalan.
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