1)Would you give everything to save the Republic?
2016 we knew Hillary was going to cheat to win. They had been doing it for years. This time we were ready and had the go from the sitting President. Obama had already been stripped of his position but Hillary couldn't be touched
2)for the same reason Biden can't be now. So to beat her at her own game we had people in key positions that did exactly what they did, stuffed the ballot boxes! The massive dump is all the fake votes. He comments all the votes are being recorded but it doesn't matter we will win
3)Podesta is Hillary's campaign manager and his lawyer is on the way to tell him they are losing bigly. So Podesta tells his peeps to start feeding the ballots in overdrive. Word comes back to us they are stuffing again so we start back at it. First We have to find out
4) how close the vote is because we don't want a (Biden incident) where it is obvious we cheated. He tells us to watch the news for the results, it's going to be close but they scan enough to secure the win. Tensions are high because they know we cheated. We know they did too.
5)So we are told that even if they shut everything down (like 2020) we will still win. He states we are covered and not to worry no matter what we see on the news. They also give us a clue that Twitter has gone rouge and not to trust them. As time passes they are getting
6) to close so he puts the call out to the vote stuffers for Hillary and tells them to make the right choice. Follow the plan or be jailed, their team has lost.If they shut the polls down they will be arrested (netted).They do what's right and DJT is #45. Hillary flees US with
Both Podesta brothers on their private plane even though there is a no fly order for it and warrants for all of them. They wouldn't have been able to fly out but John Postole, the head of TSA and 21 year FBI vet says there's a glitch and the plane can leave.
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