"How can someone with a weak passport move to Europe"

- this is the most common question I've been asked over the past few years.

TL;DR - You need to find a full-time job.

It is not as hard as you think. 

Here is how you can do it ⬇️
Use StackOverflow, Angelist, and Twitter to find companies and apply. You can filter by location and skillsets, even with relocation assistance.
Reach out to people on Twitter, ask for jobs. There are a lot of people hiring for the interest and attitude of a person above their skill sets. You might get lucky.
Make a list in the decreasing order of your priority and start applying. Be prepared for a lot of rejections. Track progress on a Kanban Board.
A cover letter is the most important part of your application. Customize them. https://twitter.com/soorajchandran_/status/1344217762982490114?s=20
Show your skills rather than talk about them. 
Show what you have done in the past. A side project, an open-source project - anything that might be relevant to the job.
When in doubt, apply.
If you think your skill sets are not enough, apply anyway. You have nothing to lose. By not applying you are “rejected” by default.
In interviews:
Work on your soft skills. Don’t sound desperate. Also account for the probably cultural differences in the interviews. Interview prep is another huge topic. Later.
Once you have a full-time job and work contract you can apply for a work visa. Hopefully, HR in your company will assist you in this.
Sidenote: Moving is hard. Don't think "You'll be happy once you move". Find your reason to move. The grass is always greener on the other side.

I'll be moving away from Berlin this year ;)
You can follow @soorajchandran_.
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