*Thread* - the hack is wack

The Master Life 'Hack' to Solve All Problems
What's easier?

Developing psychology & exerting willpower to not eat a pantry full of your favorite snacks


Not having those temptations in the house

Many 'solutions' being presented to people don't work

Designed to cope with the problem instead of resolving it
Darkness is the absence of light

You can't resolve or remove the darkness

You can only add more light

Recent viral obsessions with 'healing', 'being stoic', 'mental models & psychology'

They all serve their place AFTER the root has been handled
Before adding things to increase testosterone, remove what inhibits it

Before adding 'hacks', remove things causing conflict

If a person fears confrontation & is not assertive

Techniques & thinking offer some support, but the real question is

Why is this the default behavior?
Without starting with this question

All solutions are merely Band-Aids to mask & cope with the symptoms

In reality the real root of his fear of asserting himself & confrontation may likely be:
1) Chemical stress from too much caffeine & trash foods. Spiking heart rate, cortisol, adrenals

These max-out the bandwidth available for discomfort,

Therefore there is no more available room to take on additional discomfort (confrontation/assertiveness)
2) Perceived Stress - discomfort/uncertainty in his finances & physical strength create a perception

Which further maxes out the bandwidth for uncertainty tolerance & discomfort tolerance

So again we can ask

What is more effective?
Memorizing, faking, and 'doing' assertive techniques


- Fixing the chemical stress
- Developing physical strength
- Getting on top of his finances

To actually BE more certain, confident, and assertive

Due to having bandwidth available for discomfort/uncertainty tolerance
Techniques & 'hacks' give the illusion of being easier

But it's something you must do consciously & constantly

Like always remembering to stand up straight for good posture

vs developing muscles/flexibility to have good posture as your default

without 'doing' anything
The core message of what is being said here is

Instead of applying a technique or 'hack' to compensate for something

Resolve the deficiency itself which then makes your default expression the optimal one
Mens dating advice has grown rapidly in recent years

They share many great points which help people

However, pretty much everything shared articulates qualities expressed on how you would act

IF the root issue was not there
Neediness for example

Instead of having to do techniques or consciously calculate how to not look needy

....actually develop a life in which you got other sht going on

Multiple sources of good emotions
Multiple emotions for fun & excitement

Important tasks keeping you busy
Point of this thread is not to discredit the conscious understanding of behaviors

It's to set primary orientation to actually BECOME the person who exhibits those behaviors

Implementing strategy as a secondary layer (back-up)

NOT as the primary mode of artificial operation
Be the truth

Thank you for reading

Cheers 🥂
- Yous
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