

👉 Are you a #cardano $ada community member?
👉 Confused about recent #ripplelawsuit & SEC?
👉 Seeing a lot of fud around? 😱

Answered yes to above Qs? I got you. I'll tweet few 💎s.

💡 Spread the knowledge, not the fud.

Thread #1 👇👇👇 #notafinancialadvice 👀

💡 Who or what is SEC?

👉 "The mission of the SEC is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. The SEC strives to promote a market environment that is worthy of the public's trust."

👉 The Securities And Exchange Commission (SEC) was created in 1934 to help restore investor confidence in the wake of the 1929 stock market crash.

👉 SEC is NOT an evil institution that is out there to get you. While not perfect - they rarely do something without merit. 🤔

👉 Their role is actually extremely important if carried out thoughtfully. 🤓

Why #ripple? Let's take notes:

👉 Sold 14.6+ Billion $xrp in return for cash/other considerations to fund Ripple's operations and enrich Larsen & Garlinghouse (execs).
👉 Despite being U.S. based, Ripple seems to have omitted SEC registration or application of exemption.

👉 allegedly created information vacuum that a general XRP holder would be unable to understand and essentially turned key executives into beneficiary insiders

👉 Ripple and execs have supposedly been advised multiple times that such behaviour could be in violation of applicable laws but have not acted upon.

👉 Ripple used the money to run the operations, supposedly without disclosure of how & what these funds are used for exactly.
👉 But there is bigger problem here - and that's fiduciary steps of the execs.

👉 Ex CEO (current Chairman of the Board), and current CEO have benefited personally with $600 million from these unregistered sales of $xrp. 👀
👉 Execs have claimed publicly being 'long term holders' while failing to disclose their actual sales of their $xrp.

👉 Just by being curious - you immediately can question few steps - could they end up with insider knowledge and trading?
👉 Why do you raise the money, pay back yourselves, & the go on further to raise more money? Greed?
👉 More than anything - this is 🔑 here, I'd say.

💡Feel free to dig your heels further via official SEC vs. #ripplelawsuit filling doc: https://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2020/comp-pr2020-338.pdf

💯 FYI - you can always find everything SEC does on the EDGAR: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search-and-access

Do we think SEC is equipped to handle #crypto world effectively, yet? Will see. 🤷‍♂️

🖖 What we do know is that average holder is now caught in the middle - paying the price. 😰

👉 Now back - to #cardano and why pointing fingers this way makes no sense.

Q1: Were #cardano vouchers sold in the US or direct/mainly to US citizens?

A1: NO. To raise funds for the development, the group wanted to do an initial coin offering (ICO) focused on Asian markets.

💡 Thus, Cardano held its ICO in Japan with majority Japanese investors.

🙃 To quote:

"They said it would be really nice to do a large-scale distribution in Asia, as opposed to the Western world, which is already saturated with cryptocurrencies," Hoskinson said, in an interview with Bitcoin Magazine.

👀 🏆

"Because none of those vouchers were sold to U.S. citizens, the sale did not fall under the umbrella of the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission rules . "There was some regulatory advantages to offshoring it," said Hoskinson.

Source: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/iohk-launches-cardano-blockchain-ada-now-trading-on-bittrex-2017-10-02

💡 Okay - but anyone could do anything - where are the companies actually based that founded #cardano? I can guarantee you - majority of people are confused about this, despite knowing IOHK acronym. 👀 🤓

First - who founded Cardano? The big3⃣:

👉 Input Output HK is HQ'ed in Hong-Kong.
👉 Emurgo is HQ'ed in Singapore (originally in Japan)
👉 Cardano Foundation is based in Switzerland

Remember - we think several years & decades ahead. Not beyond the 1st quarter. 🚀

Ripple, by contrast, is a fully U.S. based tech company.

"...has an office in this District. All Defendants sold or orchestrated sales of XRP to purchasers residing (there) & enlisted, entities domiciled...to sell the securities at issue in this case.

Q3: Has our leadership been too concerned about $ada token prices?

A3: NO. On countless occasions, this has been stressed that methodical & scientific way is how #cardano shall forge its future.

Not through market games/manipulation. We are NOT here to make you rich! 🚨

Like the sound of that? 💪

🤗 Come join our amazing community. We are bunch of weird misfits from all over the world with extremely varied backgrounds - but ONE common goal. 🎯

💡 'We are #cardano. And if you will permit us, we'd like to change the world.' CH 💙

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