So we'll start at the start, remember Steve's own words that "Sexism belongs in the past along with racism and homophobia" #NUFC #NUFCTakeover #NUFC
"Sexism, racism..."
"Homophobia"... Which with these screens and the next one as well as getting people to report my account I'd say you are very much in the targeting me for harassment Steve
So accusing me of being another account with cheers Thomas comment (how wrong you were Steve) and now actively going against twitters terms and conditions by asking people to report me like @MA61PES here the little arse licker, wonder if he'll condemn your tweets?
Let's move on from targeted harassment of myself to actual trolling not harmless pictures you can scroll past, I mean actual trolling from like using anonymous accounts to troll certain people
"Ignore the trolls" is always the cry, yet nothing could be worse "trolling" for using someones suicide as a laugh for likes then hiding behind "was getting a coffee I didn't know"... No Steve you didn't read the room and you definitely didn't #thinkbeforeyoutweet
Which leads onto a really strange case of the @wraithpromotion account, seems was fine one night but was "hacked" but no offensive tweets posted then deactivated, keep in mind Steve's "target" was struggling with his mental health... His crime? Releasing a video, Troll behaviour
So going on to anonymous accounts that pick up people's personal information I'd love to know how according to documentary people were "traced" maybe it's your superior knowledge or maybe you just make accounts and try and nab people's Facebook profiles
Now we are warming up let's get to attacking other people online for an "opinion" wonder if Steve ever thinks he's quite unpopular for rinsing a fanbase at every possible corner, there's no #positivity in a fake two year old #NUFCTakeover rumour... I'm looking at all you podcasts
Weird way to say you search your name online, I'd say very vain no wonder you've been crying into your weetabix every morning, commenting in the hope people pile on his opinion... Again very troll like behaviour 00:24 at night and searching for your name in a hashtag ha ha ha
Would like to take this opportunity to offer you guys on the #NUFC #NUFC hashtag some alternative merch, the no lives matter t shirt or the mug that always tastes of Steve are a couple I'm releasing for the bargain price of £18:99
In closing it seems these pictures have rattled Steve again so let's revisit it, in for the penny in for the pound, don't be giving it big tory shouts if you stand by a tory.
So sorry to Steve if he's ever taken offence at tweets but sure people family members of people he's glorified will say it's deserved... Not me was only ever a laugh never realised a man would be so precious about it... Also love the shade welcome with me and my lads anytime
With this I am off private feel free to comment who's the troll here? I personally think we both can be painted in that angle, To Steve's reputation of I've never done nothing wrong I say no that's not an option, plenty more material but enough for one day happy new year all
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